Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Greenhouse Preparation and Workday

The Exceptional Foundation greenhouse is off to a great start! This year members of the Junior League of Birmingham will host weekly gardening projects with the participants of the Exceptional Foundation in Homewood, AL. However, before the blooming began the greenhouse needed a little face lift. We have been working hard to build and remodel the greenhouse located outside of the Exceptional Foundation building. A special thanks to Scott Stone, Chief Financial Officer, Source Medical for volunteering his time and talents to create the greenhouse. We could not accomplish this year's project without your help building the inside of the greenhouse!

After the greenhouse was originally built at the Exception Foundation it has pretty much remained empty. As you can see, we started with nothing but stone cylinder walls and a gravel floor.

The ply wood and topsoil were unloaded, and the time came for Scott Stone, the Junior League Members, and the participants to get to work building the planters inside of the greenhouse.

Thanks to all of the Exceptional Foundation participants who helped Scott throughout the day haul lumber to the greenhouse. You were all such strong and hardworking men!

Exceptional Foundation participant, Stephen, brought his Bama pride to help on our workday!

After much hard work the planters were completed on one side of the greenhouse. However, there is still much work to do filling up the planters with topsoil and getting the beds ready to plant...

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